Jew vs. Jews for Jesus
You know that comedian Jackie Mason? Well, to be totally honest, I wasn't that familiar with him, but it turns out whoever makes the Jews for Jesus pamphlets is. J4J passed out a pamphlet with a picture of him and the phrase "Jacki Mason...A Jew for Jesus?!" on the cover. Inside, it talks about how Jews and Christians are alike. Problem is, Mason is NOT a Jew for Jesus, and now he's suing the group for using his "schtick" as he calls it without his permission. What makes it even better is that I just saw an interview with him on TV, and he's like the most Jewishy guy EVER. Like in that old school, Yiddisha, if he was an actor trying to "act" Jewish, you'd think he was way over the top way.

Makes me wonder if Dr. Phil knows he was on the cover of the similar pamphlet I picked up at Union Square.
CNN Article on Mason